Sources: Coach Hairost joins Solary, Myrtus stays with the team




02/05/2024 - 5'

Myrtus is staying with Solary after a long offseason

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Mohamed "Myrtus" Rahli, the French support, is continuing his journey with Solary in the LFL. Additionally, coach Aymerick "Hairost" Sergeant will be joining the French team staff to form a coaching duo with Victor "Nayas" Quevrin. This news comes in after a long offseason for Solary and is coming from sources close to Sheep Esports.

Many options

Myrtus staying with Solary is notable news as the French team decided to explore options in the support role this offseason. While many names were considered, the front runner was Support Mertai "Mersa" Sari for a long time. In the end, the Greek support rejected the offer and will be taking another off-split instead. When the option of Mersa fell through, Solary decided to keep Myrtus over any other support available on the market.

Solary also explored a range of options for the coaching position such as André "Guilhoto" Pereira and Adrien "GotoOne" Picard on the market but couldn't secure a deal with them. Among the options left, Solary decided to commit to Hairost. He and Nayas will be forming a coaching duo without any hierarchy similar to Vitality's coaching duo of James "Mac" MacCormack and Patrick "Pad" Suckow-Breum.

Hairost will be reuniting with Toplaner Felix "Kryze" Hellström as they both worked together on LDLC OL in 2023. For 2024, Hairost became a caster for OTP in France but will be now returning as a coach for the summer with Solary.

This movement will be added to our Transfers Hub shortly after the publication of this article.

- Brieuc "LEC Wooloo" Seeger -

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